ECF Database Surname Search

The ECF provides two separate databases - a grading database and a membership database. These two databases have overlapping data. The records from both databases are set out below in which the first few letters of the surname match "".

Records from ECF Grading Database

This information was uploaded from the ECF Grading Database on 26 January 2015.

{artdatatable bFilter="true" bInfo="false" bPaginate="false"}{artsqltable query="SELECT Name, Sex, JrAge, Ref, Grade, Grade1, Cat, ClubNam1, ClubNam2 FROM tsn_ecf_grading_database WHERE Name LIKE '%%' " headerNames="Name,Sex,Age,Code,Grade,Previous,Cat,Club1,Club2"}{/artsqltable}{/artdatatable}


Records from ECF Membership Database

This information was uploaded from the ECF membership list on 22 March 2015.

If you have updated your membership details since then, these updates will not appear below.

{artdatatable bFilter="true" bInfo="false" bPaginate="false"}{artsqltable query="SELECT last_name, first_name, membership_number, grading, category, due_date FROM tsn_ecf_membership_database WHERE last_name LIKE '%%' " headerNames="Last Name,First Name,Membership No.,Grading,Category,Due Date"}{/artsqltable}{/artdatatable}